Our Team

Irma Hunter


As an educator, Irma studies several questions to determine how a particular problem occurred. Given the challenges the recent generations have faced, she thought that sharing factual information is more critical than ever. It has been proven to save lives and foster relationships, not to mention it enriches our minds. This leads her to create Mentor Pro, where we aim to share accurate information to the world via the internet.

Shelley House

Senior Editor

An essential addition to our team, Shelley is a scientist/professor who applies mathematics, statistics, and data to our research. She and her team gather, interpret, and summarize the data we collect during our research and helps us make sound conclusions.

Dallas Ruskin

Lead Researcher

Dallas and his team handle all the meticulous research regarding timely and relevant topics especially if it helps students with their research.

Emery Abrams

Lead Writer

Emery, along with other writers, has produced quality content throughout the years that our readers have come to love. We are proud that these fresh writers are working for us and are honed to be the best writers in the industry.