Why Is Addiction A Primary Disease?

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The American Society of Addiction Medicine is a professional organization that defines addiction as a primary, chronic disease. They note it’s not caused by other situations such as bad marriages or financial hardship–it only develops when there are problems with one’s brain reward system and related memory circuits. Classification as an ‘addiction disorder’ means this illness affects more than just the person experiencing these emotions; oftentimes others can also suffer from compassion fatigue in addition to their own struggles.

Scientists have discovered that addiction is hereditary, and those with a family history may be more likely to become addicted.

Scientists at UC San Francisco School of Medicine recently found genes involved in bonding cement molecules together which are also responsible for producing dopamine-releasing hormones when you eat your favorite food or drink alcohol; this means people who can’t stop eating certain substances could pass this trait down through generations.

Addiction is a chronic brain disorder and not merely the result of making wrong choices. According to ASAM, it’s much more than just excessive drug use or sex addiction- addiction has many different forms that all have one thing in common: They’re harmful on both mental health levels as well as physical ones

The American Society Of Addiction Medicine(ASA), an organization that defines what exactly an addicted individual can be like due to their condition; states there are many types for this type/disorder including gambling disorders, alcoholism, etc.

Addiction is no longer seen as a moral failing. It’s now been classified as an addiction, of which there are three types: physical; psychological (like gambling or sex); and behavioral – more common in those with psychiatric issues such as depression

The concept that “addiction” means you’re weak-minded hadn’t always exist until recent times when people began blaming their addictions on conditions like a mental illness rather than personal choice.

Behavioral addiction can be a serious problem for individuals and their loved ones. Behavioral signs include becoming obsessed with the object of one’s obsession, increasing time spent engaged in it as well as before conscious decision on whether or not to continue doing so; decreasing contact with friends/family members due to constantly being preoccupied with this pursuit which becomes more pressing than anything else around them–to the point where activities previously enjoyed are replaced by thoughts related back to addictively sweet things such as foodstuffs/substances, etc, even.

The concept that “addiction” means you’re weak-minded hadn’t always exist until recent times when people began blaming their addictions on conditions like a mental illness rather than personal choice.

To learn more about addiction and mental health, click here.